Describe Yourself Okcupid
The Only OkCupid Profile Tips You’ll Ever Need
Other OkCupid profile tips lists pile on unimportant, biased suggestions. They don’t create real change in messages and dates. The truth is, few tips truly make a difference. These are the ones we’ll be sharing with you today.
#1 Think of Yourself as a Product
What makes OkCupid so awesome is the underlying romantic analysis we perform. Every question delicately modifies a sophisticated multidimensional measure of your persona So okcupid is completely free and you choose how many tests you want to take to better describe yourself to others. OkCupid’s first and most popular “About me” prompt is “My self-summary”. This OkCupid profile option is so general that it can feel daunting to come up with an original and interesting way to summarize yourself. Our favorite go-to is to list three favorite things — foods, hobbies, movies — whatever you’re passionate about. The tests are just there to better describe yourself to other users on the site. So if they don’t use any test results how does okcupid serve you up the best singles in town? The mathematicians use your behaviour (click trends, keyword analysis of emails etc) to match you.
- Okcupid goes on to ask you a few questions on your old trial Personality of sexual partners and you motivations about: I think this is such a great idea as far as getting to know more people. If you take the world of search craft test and smoke it, this will say trial to.
- Mar 03, 2016 How to Write a Kick-Ass Dating Profile. Here are the self-summaries of some men who have messaged me through Okcupid lately: Guy 1: I don’t enjoy talking about myself but I’d say I am open minded, ambitious, and get along with almost everyone. I am not into clubbing scene so it is difficult to meet people hence the reason to have a profile.
What are the best keywords to describe what “you” are? (Ex: An engineer? A creative? An athlete/fitness enthusiast?)
Second, what is the “consumer” getting if they “buy”? (Ex: Your contagious enthusiasm for life? A good listener? Interesting conversation about books? Boozy campfires? Raucous club outings?)
The answers to these questions should go into your written bio.
#2 Remember: Short and Light
Avoid the need to answer questions with filler text like “I’m not sure.” Rather, if you have nothing to say, don’t say anything at all. When you do answer, keep it brief — no rambling.
Also avoid the urge to air your grievances with women or past relationships. Negative language in profiles is an immediate red flag for most people.
That’s not to say you have to “pretend to be someone else” or never be emotionally vulnerable. It just means, for a first impression, you want to approach your profile with the same light and friendly tone that you’d ordinarily take with a total stranger.
#3 Test Your Pics on Photofeeler to Pick the Best Ones
OkCupid’s own data is clear: your pics are, by far, the most important aspect of your profile.
Your profile pictures color the tone of every word on your profile and every message you send. That is, a winky face may feel “cool” next to one photo but “over-eager” next to another.
And too many people unknowingly choose pics that are horribly unflattering to them.
I could give you 1,000 tips for getting the right OkCupid profile photos — but let’s face it — everyone’s different. What works for one doesn’t always work for another.
To be sure you’re not killing your chances with bad pictures, just test yours on Photofeeler.
Go to now and give it a try!
Okcupid Describe Yourself Reddit
Describe Yourself Okcupid Sample
By Amy X. WangReporter
In the world of online dating, where photos and short profiles are often users’ only source of information about each other, how do people define themselves?
Curious about the answer to this question, Darin Hawley, who runs the trivia site, pulled language data from roughly 97,000 straight men and women’s OKCupid dating profiles in the 100 largest urban areas by population sizein America. Using several Python programming language scripts, Hawley found the number of times certain words were mentioned by both genders. He then filtered the data to focus on particular sets of words—like adjectives, nouns, and interests—and posted some of his results online. Hawley shared his data set with Quartz.
Describe Yourself Okcupid Sample
Describe Yourself Okcupid Template
Below is a look at some of the word usage rates, which Hawley tells Quartz are generally what people might expect from both genders. For instance, he says, “Guys use words like ‘wrestling’ and ‘hunting’ and ‘golfing’ more than women.” (All data is adjusted for the sample’s slightly higher number of male profiles than female profiles.)
Describe Yourself Okcupid Example
Since Hawley says the data is a random sampling of roughly 1,000 users from each large urban area, it isn’t representative of all users on OKCupid across the country. Still, several interesting ratios stand out. The word “love,” for instance, is used fairly evenly between both genders—but the word “family” is used nearly twice as many times by women as by men.
And “active” and “passionate” are used slightly more by women, while men seem to favor descriptors such as “cool” and “romantic.”